Regina M. MacKenzie
About Elwyn

Regina M. MacKenzie

Senior Vice President and General Counsel

Regina M. MacKenzie became Elwyn’s General Counsel in 2014 after having served as an external legal advisor to the organization for over 20 years. Regina oversees Elwyn’s Legal, Risk, and Compliance Department, serves as the organization’s chief legal advisor, and provides strategic leadership regarding legal, risk, and compliance matters affecting the organization. Prior to joining Elwyn, Regina represented human service agencies, schools, municipalities, and corporations in private practice in Delaware and Chester Counties. Regina received her undergraduate degree from St. Joseph’s University and her Juris Doctor from Temple University School of Law.

  • What motivates me to wake up and go to work is making an impact in the behavioral health industry and in the lives of the children and parents we serve.

    Maureen Masarik, PsyD

    Vice President of Children's Behavioral Health Services
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